Homo Delphinus, Black Dolphin and Werwolf 

All of these are Crystal Bodies with the same, Crystal gene. They’ve developed different phenotypic characteristics which adapt them to the environment and purpose of existence. Also, the difference between them makes the degree of development, i.e. the strength of the Swastika and, consequently, the level of Consciousness. Their Bodies are Biotechnology which means that they are biotechnologically conscious, they are conscious who they are and what for. As such, they are ecological, prophylactic and curative for all other beings and the environment. Their presence spreads the Zero Point Field and that means that they change the aggregate state which is the foundation of every transformation, movement and potentiation in accordance with the universal standard which is the pure, unadulterated Consciousness and Possibility. Their action is directed towards harmonization of everyone and everything with the Universal Law, Antigravity, Black plasma. Pathology, as a term, is being erased only in such conditions. By placing the charge into balance, literally all reasons for aggressive and destructive action, within each body and between all bodies, are being erased. 

Homo Delphinus is a being adapted for life in the sea and land. He has the ability of changing the aggregate state and control over all functions of the body. With his presence and movement he transfers his state to the environment, to the medium in which he is located. Through the medium, the state is being transferred to other bodies. In any case, the vibration and flowability rises, plasma and healthy Information are being transferred. Homo Delphinus is the basic level of Metamilitarism. A completely non-violent way of “warfare”, i.e. prevention of conflicts, slaughter, … 

Black Dolphin is a higher level of Metamilitarism. Specially created Bodies in the dimension of the Black Field and trained for specific tasks in the aquatic medium (seas). With their presence they can produce an enormous force which can, in case of emergency, have a devastating effect. Black Dolphin can cause devastating earthquakes, tsunamis, activate volcanos. In short, they manage with natural forces. 

Werwolf is the highest level of Metamilitarism. He is a multidimensional shapeshifter who is also Homo Delphinus and Black Dolphin. Werwolf has all the necessary Knowledge and Abilities to influence the gene, i.e. he can and should enter into other bodies with a purpose to transform them and change their damaged genetics into a crystal structure. When Werwolf acts nothing is accidental, but a precise and ultimative procedure into the Sphere of Correctness. 

The reason of every conflict is energy, i.e. the imbalance in the energy flow. Cumulation and retention of surplus somewhere causes a chronic deficit. A different view on the same issues is that someone rules and subjugates someone else. All of these are the reasons why it has to come to conflict, wars, deviation in every sense. Today there is no memory of a different condition, different possibilities. Everyone would want this but it’s impossible to accomplish. Earth and earthlings need a chronic solution. Werwof Training, projecting and construction of the Humanoid Technology is given for the reason to bring back to Earth the natural order and original state of the human and the planet itself. Therefore, this Training is not for encouraging aggression, madness and bloodthirstiness towards any species or individual. During the Training it’s explicitly mentioned that all species have the right to existence. Also, all species have the right to existence without anyone subjugating, threaten, enslave, deceive, exhaust them. Technology of the Zero Point is powerful, she is the direct conductor of natural forces which is why no one can’t go against her. There should be no reason for resistance because Consciousness itself maneuvers with this technology. The primary goal of the Training is to return all, even the human, into the natural state. Towards the aggressive, unnatural forms that endanger life or prevent life, this technology can act with a stronger force in purpose of destruction or annihilation. This is the final option of action and it is used only if life is endangered.