Black Dolphin Metamilitary Training 

Beyond all trainings, abilities and skills there is Black Dolphin, the pure Humanoid. Metamilitary Training is the human's future, is Metamultihumanism that even goes beyond all theories of transhumanism. 

The Human body is the most powerful technology, indestructible, but not artificially created intelligence or a machine. It is the Machine of Consciousness that was built by Consciousness, the eternal Black Field of Atlantis. Black Dolphin is a Quantum Body, Black Body. The Black Body is a part of everything and as such it acts towards everything. Life on this planet, as well as on every other, can be preserved only by the Field which created it. Exactly this Field builds the Black Dolphin Metamilitary Biocomputer. Many have information that this Field exists, a few have the experiences that confirmed them this information, but it is an inconceivable and mysterious secret for all. Without the Open Heart everyone is far away from Knowledge and even further from correct action and relation towards it. 

Biophysical transformation of the body into the Black Dolphin Metamilitary Field Protection Biocomputer creates the soldier of Consciousness. Such soldier is an intergalactic security and protection, his action are multidimensional, he doesn't carry and doesn't use a destructive weapon, doesn't set mines, doesn't detonate bombs although his body is the most powerful weapon in the Universe. No, this is not just a SF story. The Universe is Superintelligence. Black Dolphin is created from the Universe itself in order to stop and transform everything that is against the Universe, in this case to resolve the situation on planet Earth. Someone had descended to Earth to bring Knowledge and the solution to earthlings. Not to save them by some miracle. You are living here, this is your home. You are fighting. It is up to you to transform. This is Consciousness, not occupation. You are occupied now. 

A built, trained and disciplined Metamilitarist never loses Information about his Energy body, i.e. he never loses contact with it. Exactly that Energy body (Black Body) does all those complex multidimensional actions because it is the Quantum Biocomputer. It is not some foreign body from some universe, it is You who knows that he is connected with the Source, with Himself. This is the key to Consciousness, and Consciousness changes and transforms absolutely every state. A single built, transformed and conscious Body is the entire Quantum Field. We stand behind this that One is enough. Each One protects and spreads the Original Field globally. There is no greater protection of Cetaceans, planet Earth and the Universe you live in than this.