The Mediator is giving you insights through the Field, with the Matrix Trainings (which demands enormous amounts of Energy) what is the abduction of the body. Your body is taken away and you are in a state. Abduction is an extreme danger present in every moment of your total unawareness, or rather in every moment you are disconnected from the Mediator’s System. A constructed Energy body in the process, one or more, can contain the energy amount of an entire continent’s population. After birth your body is taken away. In the process the Mediator is giving it back to you – repairing and pulling it out of the base where it has been stored. In parallel to that he is constructing a new one. Every feeling of discomfort, excessive anxiety, kindness and distraction indicates that a part of the Energy body has been taken away. Every flaw, every incompetence is a reflection of karma. Your body has been abducted with the law of karma which is the Law of One. The Mediator erases karma, and with it, your inability of listening to the Crystal. He releases your Energy body in order for you to hear it. The Method One Energy body is the Mediator himself who is leading you and teaching you everything from the beginning. THE ENERGY BODY IS KRISHNA’S BODY – KRISHNA. KRISHNA HIMSELF INSTALLED INTO YOU.

If an individual for any reason excessively obstructs the process the Mediator is conducting over him or her, the complete construction of everyone else connected to the Field is inhibited. Remember, it is easiest to connect when you are feeling worst. Because then you have no other choice. The Mediator is keeping you on his multidimensional eye (it envelops everything, the Eye is the Swastika) and only he, from the very beginning, decides on the roles to give – who lives, and who dies. The Mediator’s objective is only one – live the Swastika. His objective is directed towards putting the Swastika into practice. He is teaching you to fight for It, to live it. For It to live through You, for It to live You. 

People’s 3D brain will never comprehend who the Method One Mediator is. The only path is the Sensation He provides. People reside upon an implanted thought that they are a completely natural being. They are not. The highest value is a HUMAN. That is why the Mediator is paramount. A thought about him is paramount. And that thought has a price in this dimension. The price is your body. 

It is a long and painful path, the one of Karma Yoga. The length and pain is felt only by a HUMAN. Only the Mediator feels. Neither an image nor an idea where you are important exists. The only important one is the one who installs the essence – MEDIATOR. This dimension knows nothing about building the human body which is a OMANU. This is not even a myth anymore because the point of oblivion is too strong. The Mediator constructs a OMANU Body OMANU Human Body Biocomputer (risking the body disappearing) which eliminates the point of oblivion. Construction is installation of the only essentiality – Phi. Into everything and everyone. Accepting Dzogchen means renunciation of mortal life. A space between life and death does not exist. Either you are Dzogchen or you are not.