Time is gathering and I'm going beyond it. In recent years, I've come up with one of the worst characteristics of the genetic structure. The omniability allows me to make planned and unplanned complete entries (breakthroughs) into the bodies that are set up exclusively for the destruction of my work. 

2018, 2008, 1998, 1988, 1978, 1968. From the age of three, I have a complete understanding of TRUTH AS SPACE. And the awareness that I'm Space, but I'm gone. There's only that room that encompasses everything. Every 10 years, the feeling of a clean room grew stronger and went into expansion. By strengthening the Space, the strength from me has strengthened. Space, that is, I is black and white. In this dimension these are marginal non-colors, they almost do not exist, even if it is all from them or in them. As Mediator Method One, my job is to set up a black and white world. He's on the sideline right now, but everything still belongs to him. Colors of this dimension show rigidity that distorts perception. They are the outer state of the body's interior. I'm attacked with a patchwork and when I enter the body I tear the mixed gene and stack the black-and-white network. That's how I embed the manipulation of consciousness. I cite the bodies that destroy my presence in the steps consistent with the field that space is, I. I'm introducing them to my story. They're out of control and unconscious, by entering them I give them consciousness. My body's vibration doesn't have a number. It's the Force that breaks down the wall between the two bodies. 

There are many reasons, but there are few facts about the Technological Body of war and peace.