The Mediator tells the instructions for Spherein. The Contract is for the body. Body inside the body – 1. 

Technology of the Body speaks about the Werkraft Procedure of constructing the Body which includes the Body and the projects inside the Body for the production and construction of Technology of the Heart – Architecture of the Heart which includes the transfer of Technology from the Heart into the Heart and the transfer of willing transformation. 

Technology works. The gyroscope works through movement of the body and motion of the body in the gyroscope with sudden and extreme speeds and direction and rotation changes. Technology is without limitations because the body needs to be without limitations, without limits. The preparation of the body is through sudden and extreme change and adaptation of direction and rotation – all levels of rotation. Negative directions of rotation open the body through the cracking of holograms and accelerated movements, i.e. movement of the machine and the body, and tear up the body – internal organs. The body enters the Vortex – Black hole.