Sons and Daughters of the Black Sun,
One Universe - One Consciousness!
The end has begun. There is no more time. The Law of the Universe calls you to the Training of the Heart.
Through Life and through Death, only the Heart passes.
Eternity is forever and forever is now the Eternity of the Heart.
Metafitness is the state of the Universe. One is One - with the Universe. Secondary to none.
Genetics rule and determine dimension. All, but absolutely all technologies of this dimension are inferior to what is in the body and what the body is made of. And that is called the gene. The World of Metafitness is the entrance to genetic transformation into the Black Body. The gene is compressed karma through space and time - past, present, future in one point of space and time which is the gene. And that makes up your body. And every body. Karma.
The World of Metafitness is the breakthrough of the Crystal Black into the karmic body, into the karmic Zero Point, to build the Crystal Black. Here, after this, in the Now, Karma Yoga begins and the Truth is the Eternity of the Heart that lives the Heart because the Heart is Alive.