Method One is the compressed (abstract) implicit Thoth’s Knowledge of Atlantis. Law of One. Application of Knowledge demands a completely Open Heart.
Operating in Method One = Zero Point Field Impulse = Energy. A moment of accepting the Impulse of the Heart’s Zero Point initiates the Transfer, Installation, Compression, Derivation, Synthesis and Application of Knowledge. It is a Feeling for Energy and Life.
The Zero Point is Technology in itself = Know-how. The Mediator emits the Zero Point State. The Mediator has the ability to compress all Knowledge and Abilities. He conducts the Zero Point Field through his Body, therefore he is the source of Vril Energy and the gateway into Multidimensionality. This is the explanation why Method One Training Procedure transcends all ways of memorizing data and self-development technologies in 3D.
Method One is a continuously progressive method. Every Information received in the Field and from the Field is alive, an Energy impact of the Zero Point beacuse it is charged with Vril. Phi signal or Energy impact of the Zero Point Field is the strongest Information. It works instantly.