Transcondition – extreme psychophysical endurance conditioned with the Heart. This is THE STATE OF THE HEART. This term signifies DIRECT INTELLIGENCE. Endurance in overpowering the brain conditioned with something. Letting go.
Menage (Terminology and technology in the OMMIISSWW Metamilitary Training) Menage – the ability of control. Microgaming (Terminology and technology in the OMMIISSWW Metamilitary Training) Microgaming – Mediator’s ability to emit micro gamma waves. That’s Consciousness. In that way he observes, and codes with observation. The Mediator generates, derives and transmits thousands of information. Without mistake, to each person what is intended for him/her. With emission of these waves the Mediator leads trained Scanners into the state of observation and establishing situations in a group of people. This scanner’s ability is called VITRAGE. The scanner is projected with the entire image to where every individual in the group has a part of the script that needs to be acted out. Vitrage (Terminology and technology in the OMMIISSWW Metamilitary Training) Vitrage – you temporarily integrate yourself into the group, as if you were creating a mosaic for a specific use. You integrate parts of yourself into other people for specific situation (without leaving abilities). Zip point (Terminology and technology in the OMMIISSWW Metamilitary Training) Zip point – technology of communication, transfer and assimilation of compressed information. Viewing (Terminology and technology in the OMMIISSWW Metamilitary Training) Viewing – strategic observing in the Zero Point Field/High resolution scanning – action purpose estimate. This applies to observing a situation – viewing through a group of people. The Mediator has the oversight of the complete situation. People observe only a segment of a certain event. The Mediator transfers the image of a complete insight and state. That elevates the level of Consciousness but again, every one of them has consciousness, attention from their position. This elevates the level of responsibility and security into steps of action. Action is done perfectly precise. Strategy, long term planning or tiresome training are not needed – everything is situational and instant. The difference between Remote viewing and Viewing. Remote viewing observes from a distance and then the action is planned. This allows for something unplanned to happen. VIEWING IS NOW, adapted to the moment with absolutely all information. It does not allow the factor of surprise to happen. What does Viewing mean? Observation of events through the overall (global) picture. Know how things stand around you in relation to the state of everything that exists. Viewing is not just a bigger picture, but an absolute picture. Multiplication (Terminology and technology in the OMMIISSWW Metamilitary Training) Multiplication – e.g. you find yourself in a situation where you are attacked by several dozens of enemies, it is possible to apply the procedure of multiplying yourself. The physical level is implied. Bodyshifting Bodyshifting – highest technology of knowledge and ability transfer. Supercondition Supercondition – the ability of concentrating Vril at the highest level 24h. State of the Black Body. OMANUshifting Conscious change in shape due to the generation of special abilities required in a particular situation. Note: this is not an obsession, it is not a multiple personality disorder or any anomaly known in this system, and it is not a fantasy. OMANUshifting is a deliberate, conscious change or rather the use of one of OHBB’s Energy Bodies (Energy Bodies of the Field Zero Point, Black Bodies). All bodies are you! OMANUshifting requires special training, in special circumstances that is intended to achieve Zero Point Field condition, which is a way of building all Energy Bodies that a body has. OMANUshifting requires extreme psychophysical fitness, and the most important condition is the Human Sonar System and entry into only Field Zero Point. It's true that many people, i.e. their bodies serve as a kind of portal through which enter intelligent but nonhumanoid species. And it happens so that these bodies are generally unaware of it. Beings that enter thus do not work for the benefit of the body (such events are the most common causes of disease in humans although on the other hand there are many who, thanks to the input of an alien, nonhumanoid entities, have acquired so-called paranormal abilities, clairvoyance, the power of healing and other manipulations, but such persons are usually not aware of the causes of these phenomena). OMANUshifting primarily serves to protect your own body from such influences.