The definition

Croatian word for Space, the Universe is Svemir.
Svemir is SVE – MIR. SVE (ALL) because it's Space – 1 who is ALL (SVE) – Svemir. Mir (Peace) is unison, i.e. harmony which is Phi. Such and only as such. And that's why Mir (Peace) is MYR. Kurukshetra was MYR for MYR (the war for the Field). Peace at home is Peace in the Universe. The Universe is a House – Order – MYR. Even when it's „chaos“, ruination, destruction, it's only because the Universe is a continuous transformation into New. Even when it's war it's Peace because it's in harmony. It's never anarchy and it is never outside of the Center. SVE (ALL) always begins from the Center of the SVE (ALL) – MIRa (PEACE).

Equally, not the same but out of/from the same Center is the depiction of the english word UNIVERSE.

UNI is One, unique, Universal (for all). 

VERSE is a verse or song, but in VERSE is a Sphere as well. VERSE – SVERE (V is also F – pronunciation). UNISVERE. 

1 verse, 1 song, 1 harmony, not mono but One. 

RAD (croatian word for work) is Dar (croatian word for gift). The Mediator WORKS. WORK–s. RAD (WORK) is not digging and plowing. Work is RAD, Universal and all-inclusive which means that it includes the before mentioned as well and everything what the Universe is, and that's RAD.