Runic Combat SystemWerwolf, Metafitness  

Combat, a name given because of general incomprehension of Multidimensionality in the third dimension. The system of perfect motor skills which is the Swastika mechanism. Rotation of the Zero Point is the strongest force that operates without working, which is the exact reason why it conquers. It’s the force that rules. What ever you do it will always conquer. 

Perception of the Runic Combat System (Werwolf) is without the opponent. There is only the Heart. When it’s closed, the System operates to induct it into the Field of the Open Heart. Runic Combat System (Werwolf, Metafitness) is the most extreme sport because of the strength of the Center. The Heart Center is extreme. It’s only the Zero Point Field that kills the Matrix field inside the body. Today’s presence of the most silent extreme – the non-reactive state has brought One Pure Body to Earth – Werwolf. It’s reaction to the state of everything and everyone. Werwolf is the Heart. The Heart is the extract of silence that is doing an evolutionary explosion from one moment to the next.