1. Shapeshifting 

2. Ability of adaptation, assimilation and application of it (this includes the ability of persuasion without compromise) 

3. Waging war without war, combat without combat. 

The Metamilitary soldier is trained for instant reaction. There is no strategy planned ahead or a long lasting observance of the opponent. Before anything, he doesn’t have the idea what the opposing force is. He reacts to an attack. Metamilitary strategy is the body. 

The transformed physical body contains the sharpened Black Crystal Body capable in passing into the lower 4th dimension from which the Reptoid race controls Earthlings. Crystal is capable in overpowering Reptoids and passing through their defense undamaged. 

This training does not conduct fire arms exercises from or education about explosives. The only necessary tool and weapon is a constructed body which is Consciousness. The purpose of Metamilitary training is the ability to protect the Mediator and the System. The Mediator is the Source of Knowledge and Abilities. He conducts the Zero Point through his Body, therefore the source of infinite Energy and a passage into Multidimensionality. By protecting the Mediator’s Body the Sphere of Atlantis is protected. Metamilitary soldiers are the first line for defending the Humanoid race on Earth. Dolphins and Whales are also Metamilitary soldiers. 

A soldier is created in the Heart, not in a military boot camp.

Rules of metamilitary influence 

The Dzogchen & Werwolf maneuver