Dzogchen Lineage

The continuity of the Universe is the destruction of all that exists.

The most powerful shift in the enternity of time is in fact the Shift of Time (Freeze Time) – the compressed Black Body.
Freeze Time is the new emergence of the origin and the original which is the Law of Attraction of All-Atraction of the Black Lama from the very Center of the Center of Himself (Vrndavana) into the total manifestation of illegality of time and age. All the stories about the Pentagram, Lucifer and all other symbols of eternity are a superstitious propaganda of the creator of the religion fanaticism and the propaganda about the dimensions of good and evil. The hypnosis and illusion are intensifying and increasing day by day. Orders of the Vatican are deeply engraved lines in order for the nullification of the Law of Karma and Oblivion not to happen. 

If something is the Law it means that it is written and if something is written it means that it is a legal, but a multidimensional and beyond-dimensional and a physical, document. All of the mentioned is the body. Physical, multidimensional and it operates (exists) beyond the 3rd dimension (unaware, under control) and it contains the record, i.e. the body itself is the Time Base.