The correct grip coming from the Field leads into perfection of no-contact self-defense. Contact is used for attracting the opponent’s attention and for stabilizing the situation (directing to the Field). After contact, no-contact communication begins, this brings the opponent into a state of flow. No-contact self-defense System is switched on when there is an energy block. Increase in flow inside the body, increases the regularity in which the System is conducted. In this way it becomes the perfect detector of irregularity and lack of flow inside another body and/or space. Both contact and no-contact action is an aware act and thereby psychotronic protection. This represents the highest form of communication.
Today, psychotronics is misused. It is used for manipulating unaware individuals. It injects information into the system that unconsciously executes the input. RBS is pure and thereby a more effective system for acting, thinking and creativity. This System enables interaction on the Energy body level. The Sonar is a prerequisite for accepting RBS. The Sonar enables understanding the complete energy level of the body. That is how complete information about the opponent’s level is received. Clarity of Information and actions is conditioned with genetic purity. A genetically pure, completely open body can implement RBS through itself.