Metafitness – Metaphysics of the metaphysical body – vibrations and movements are caused by the Crystal that strengthens itself to integrate into the transformed physical body. Metafitness – Metabuilding  – building the body according to the Method One Principle. 

This is a completely new and unknown way, which circumvents all known and often inadequate ways of exercising and shaping the body. Method One aims at awakening and building the entire body. Method One Zero Point Field Matrix Training Technology in direct contact with the Mediator is an active uninstallation of the existing state and active reprogramming according to Information from the Field. Metafitness and Metabuilding are energy-information procedures and work with the physical body. The Human Biocomputer in the Zero Point Field. Opening of the Heart Center establishes a complete Energy flow in the body that leads into Awakening and puts all parts of the body into functioning.

Metafitness – Method One sport for a metalife – Metasport for life – Total achievement. Body Intelligence – Absolute Zero Point Intelligence. All in One. Inside it you win. Be (stay) inside.