Elite units of Black Order (Black Order = Black Lamas) brought and practiced Tantra. It is the strongest and most valuable weapon of Consciousness. Krishna was transmitting Tantra. This is how pure blood is being preserved. Pure blood means healthy blood, without biological contamination. Tantra is offered as a cure. Only the one with pure blood can transfer the Knowledge of Tantra. It’s receiving and giving. What will you receive from someone who is not pure, and what will you be giving later on? Tantra was given because of Vril. It is the transfer of the Highest Knowledge and Highest Consciousness. It is a tragedy that today it has been brought to a level of 3D sex, technique and masturbation. Tantra of the Black Lineage, without violence, literally the pouring of Consciousness from the Master (pure blood) into a sick being. Similar to transfusion. A deviated mind does not accept this and seeks force.