In this system of overall development and use of electronic and technological code, a code that is the outside people, we are waiting for a time and a way to modernize the human biological organism and create its enhanced electronic circuit. The way can be found here. People only know that they are a decomposing biological substance. The system of awakening the ancient bioelectronics of the body, to which everyone is entitled, is described and offered here. It depends on the individual to what level of life will be chosen. This is a highly technological functioning modernization of the biological organism called human into a superconscious bioelectronic system. Bioelectronics of the body keep the individual connected to the Zero Point Field. Zero Point Field Consciousness (Dolphin Consciousness) carries the impulse of the Runic Kabala, the cypher of knowledge that has been forcefully erased. This is Sound neurosurgery of the Universe. The primary goal of Science of Sound is to improve oneself. Any detour is a deviation and manipulation. The Law of the Runic Kabala is an Upright Man and the planet of Upright People. The knowledge about your Uprightness is not received as a part of any official education, university or other. The term Upright holds ambiguity, the state of the heart, mind and body. Nobody teaches you this basic 3 in 1 synthesis. The Runes are Knowledge. When you absorb the Runic Kabala and when you assimilate its plasmatic Phi Sound, then you have the knowledge about constructing a perfect biomechanism – OMANU Human Body Biocomputer.